Installation Practices – Enforcement vs. Application
Date & Time
Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Willow Lake 3

The water-based installation standards of NFPA 13, NFPA 14, and NFPA 20 have requirements for the installation of devices and equipment. In many cases, those standards do not include specific requirements for the placement of the devices and equipment, which often leads to concerns for issues such as pedestrian safety, water damage, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. This presentation will look at these concerns from the installing contractor's and AHJ's perspectives with consideration for the end user's need to have a safe, compliant, and aesthetically pleasing installation.

Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to:

  • Explain some of the installation practices of water-based fire protection systems that could be better than just providing the bare minimum.
  • Identify devices that can be installed in different ways and arrangements to be more user-friendly.
  • Describe the difference between just complying with the installation standards and providing a more agreeable system for the end user, while recognizing limitations of an AHJ in making recommendations for better installation practices.
Terry Victor
Contact Hours
CAL FIRE Approved
CAL FIRE Approved
ICC Appr# 42381