Preaction Systems: Where Alarms and Sprinklers Meet
Date & Time
Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Red Rocks 7

Preaction sprinkler systems are unique in that there must be significant coordination between the mechanical elements of the fire sprinkler system and the electrical elements of a fire alarm releasing system. This "marriage" of systems creates a reliable suppression system, but only if the interface is done correctly. This course discusses the important considerations for designing, installing, inspecting, and maintaining these systems and some of the newer requirements that have been added or modified in the installation codes that cover these systems. This presentation will provide clear direction to designers, installers, and inspectors to accurately navigate this challenging topic.

Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe different types of preaction sprinkler systems and the advantages of using them.
  • Identify some new code requirements and equipment being applied to preaction systems.
  • Restate how a fire alarm system can be properly interfaced with a preaction sprinkler system.
Don Hopkins Larry Rietz
Contact Hours
CAL FIRE Approved
CAL FIRE Approved