Full Name
Steve Leyton
Job Title
Protection Design and Consulting
Speaker Bio
Steve Leyton is President of Protection Design and Consulting in San Diego, California. He began his career in 1981 on the design/build side of the fire sprinkler industry and founded Protection Design in 1995 to focus on architectural and developer clients, in addition to working with the contractor community. His professional affiliations include membership in NFPA, International Code Council (ICC), AFSA, California Fire Prevention Officers Northern and Southern Sections, and the San Diego Fire Protection Association. Steve has represented AFSA as a principal member of the NFPA 13 Technical Committee for Residential Sprinklers and is chair of the NFPA 14 Technical Committee on Standpipes. He has served on several current and past advisory groups for the California State Fire Marshal’s office, including chair of the installation committee for the 2009 Residential Sprinkler Code Adoption Task Group and was co-chair of the ICC Ad-Hoc Committee on Residential Fire Sprinklers in 2005. Leyton has worked on a wide range of residential, commercial/industrial, institutional, and high-rise projects in the USA, Mexico, and Asia.
Steve Leyton