Performance of N2 Generators and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor for Dry Pipe Systems
Date & Time
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location Name
Red Rocks 9
Other Technical

The use of nitrogen generators has become an industry-accepted practice for providing supervisory air and corrosion protection for dry pipe and preaction sprinkler systems. This presentation will discuss the history of their use, purging methodologies, nitrogen migration, and effective usage. The results of recent testing will be summarized to demonstrate the pros and cons of the different purging methods and the time to reach appropriate purity levels. This presentation will introduce a new technology applying vapor corrosion inhibitors to provide corrosion control. The discussion will include NFPA 13 and NFPA 25 requirements regarding the use of nitrogen generators and vapor corrosion inhibitors for providing supervisory air and corrosion control. Test results will be used to compare performance to that anticipated by the requirements of NFPA 13 and NFPA 25.

Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to:

  • Discuss the history of nitrogen generators for fire protection systems.
  • Identify the different purging methods used along with NFPA 13 and NFPA 25 requirements regarding the use of nitrogen generators.
  • Outline testing conducted to evaluate nitrogen migration and efficacy.
Mark Hopkins
Contact Hours