Full Name
Lainey Liotta
Job Title
Global Segment Manager
BlazeMaster Fire Protection Systems
Speaker Bio
Lainey Liotta is the senior fire protection market manager for Lubrizol where she is responsible for setting the global business strategy for BlazeMaster Fire Sprinkler Systems and Freezemaster Antifreeze. A Penn State graduate with degrees in Marketing and Spanish, Lainey started her career as an intern at Tyco (now Johnson Controls). Throughout her five years there, she held various product management and commercial roles. Lainey is passionate about advancing the fire sprinkler industry and promoting the wonderful opportunities within it. She never hesitates to roll up her sleeves and get things done, which is demonstrated by her active involvement in AFSA (member of M/S Council and NextGen Committee,) NFSA (vice chair of SAM, chair of FLC, member of QA, ITM, T&E, and Marketing & Outreach Committees,) and IFSA (board member).
Lainey Liotta